Haesun Moon, Ph.D.

Haesun Moon, Ph.D.

Haesun Moon, Ph.D., is a communication scientist, educator, and author with a heart for people having better conversations at home and in the workplace.

Haesun authored Coaching A to Z: The Extraordinary Use of Ordinary Words and several collaborative books. She also developed the Dialogic Orientation Quadrant (DOQ) as a heuristic of interaction in studying conversations. She received her Ph.D. in Adult Education and Community Development from the University of Toronto where she currently teaches.

In her coaching and consulting work, Haesun strives to create dialogic conditions where people can imagineer and perform their preferred change. She believes that conversations can change the world and is committed on most days to live in that direction. Most days, that is.

She also has a love for early mornings, afternoon naps, good coffee, and fine pens with fine nibs. For more information and her dog photos, please visit her websites at www.briefcoaching.ca and www.coachingatoz.com.

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